Real Estate Doc Prep

Fast, Friendly and Right The First Time

Our team is committed to precision and quick turnaround so you close your transactions on time, every time.

Brooke Hardie and Andrea Bleau
Our business philosophy is pretty simple: when you look good, we look good.

That’s why we’re committed to giving you lightning-fast turnaround and dependable service on every single transaction.

Our business philosophy is pretty simple: when you look good, we look good.

That’s why we’re committed to giving you lightning-fast turnaround and dependable service on every single transaction.





We believe closing document review and preparation should be a seamless part of your internal workflow, one that you can count on to be as efficient as you are.

GIF of Printing documents

We’re determined to reinvent the doc-prep world–by providing superior service, by listening to our clients and giving them the innovative tools they need, and by working harder than anyone else.



We’re determined to reinvent the doc-prep world–by providing superior service, by listening to our clients and giving them the innovative tools they need, and by working harder than anyone else.

About Us

Our team is made up of legal professionals who are hyper-focused on fast, friendly service.

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“On time, every time, ready-to-sign”

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Contact Us

Our team is standing by to prepare your documents.

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