Viewing this website does not make you our client.  We intend the information on this site to serve as general information, not legal advice, and no one can become a client of our firm merely by viewing any portion of the site. This site does not constitute an offer to represent you. Nor can anyone become a client by sending any of us an email. An attorney-client relationship can only be established by our express agreement to represent you. You should not send us any confidential or sensitive information by any means until you have spoken with one of our attorneys and received permission to do so.

This website does not provide legal advice.  While we hope to keep the information on this website current and accurate, we provide no guarantees regarding its accuracy, or its applicability to you and your specific situation. If any information is inaccurate or out-of-date, we apologize. (If you notice something you think is inaccurate or out-of-date, feel free to let us know and we’ll try to fix it promptly, if needed.) Each legal problem is unique, and any advice must be tailored to your individual situation. Your legal decisions should only be made after consulting your legal counsel.

We are Texas attorneys, and if any of us are certified as specialists, we’ll tell you. Our attorneys are licensed to practice law only in Texas, and they are certified as specialists by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization only as expressly stated in this website. If we haven’t stated that an attorney is certified by that organization, then the attorney isn’t a certified specialist.

We’re not responsible for other websites.  Any links to sites controlled by others are provided as a convenience to you. We are not responsible for what you may find there. The fact that we have a link on our site does not constitute our endorsement of any other site.

Unless we say so, you may not use the information on this website for any other purpose.  The information on this site is copyrighted by us or by third parties. Unless we’ve said so on this site, you may not use any of it in any manner without written permission from us or the copyright holder. Despite that, you may make single copies of information on our site for your personal, noncommercial use, but if you do, you may not modify the materials or delete any copyright references.

We consider our blogs to be part of this website.  All of the legal fine print contained on this page applies to the entire website, including any material posted in our blog. However, we do grant permission to readers to link to the blog so long as you don’t misrepresent our blog.